



Answer ALL the questions.

(20 marks)


Items 1 to 20 are stems followed by four options lettered A to D. Read each item carefully and circle the letter of the correct or best option.


1. Why is decision-making in an organization considered as the very heart of the administrative process and leadership? Decision-making ………………….

A. involves making alternative choice.

B. is a concrete phenomenon driven by rationality.

C. is core to the job description of administration.

D. is one of the defining characteristics of leadership.


2. The type of decision that is well-structured, repetitive, and generally routine in nature and there are definite rules and procedures for handling them is referred to as ……………… decision.

A. appellate

B. intermediary

C. programmed

D. unprogrammed


3. In this type of decision-making theory, it is assumed that the manager has full information about an issue, is able to identify all alternatives available to him, and to evaluate and rank them objectively.

A. Classical decision-making theory/model.

B. Descriptive decision-making theory.

C. Lindblom’s theory of muddling through.

D. Satisficing decision-making theory.


4. Why is it not realistic in crisis situation to use a participative style of leadership? ……………… action is needed to solve problem.

A. Immediate

B. Intermittent

C. Long-term

D. Short term





5. In a school situation where teachers are usually unconcerned or disinterested in making decision on an issue, it means that particular decision-making falls …………………..

A. outside teachers’ zone of indifference.

B. outside teachers’ zone of rational reasoning.

C. within teachers’ zone of indifference.

D. within teachers’ zone of rational reasoning.


6. It is viewed as the milieu, atmosphere, culture, feel, tone, or the internal quality of an organization especially as experienced by its members and noticed by visitors to the organization. Organizational …………………..

A. climate.

B. development.

C. iceberg.

D. process.


7. In this type of school situation there is honesty of purpose and goodwill. There is also free flow of information. This school can be said to be exhibiting ………………… climate.

A. controlled

B. familiar

C. open

D. paternal


8. In this type of school situation individuals (every teacher) satisfy their personal needs at the expense of institutional goals. The head and members of staff show indifference to school work. The school can be said to be exhibiting ………………….. climate.

A. controlled

B. familiar

C. open

D. paternal


9. Which of the following terms/words is key in the definition of leadership?

A. Influence.

B. Initiative.

C. Motivation.

D. Problem solving.


10. The power of the leader which is derived from superior competence or special ability, skill or knowledge is referred to as ……………… power.

A. expert

B. legitimate

C. referent

D. reward


11. Power based on fear or the ability of the leader to use punishment (reprimands, suspension, termination of appointment, an undesirable work assignment) for non- compliance with his/her orders or directives is referred to as …………………… power.

A. coercive

B. expert

C. legitimate

D. reward



12. This type of leadership style is characterized by power sharing and participative decision-making. ………………….. leadership.

A. Democratic

B. Laissez faire

C. Servant

D. Transformational


13. The headteacher of Christ the King AME Zion school recognizes that satisfaction with the status quo poses a serious threat to the organization’s survival. What type of leadership does he display? ……………..… leadership.

A. Autocratic

B. Democratic

C. Transactional

D. Transformational


14. It is a blueprint of a desired state. It is an image of a preferred condition that we work to achieve in the future.

A. Concept.

B. Covenant.

C. Mission.

D. Vision.


15. This type of leadership theory is based on the belief that behaviours can be learned, thus, individuals trained in appropriate leadership behaviours would be able to lead more effectively. ……………..………. theory.

A. Behaviourist

B. Contingency

C. Situational

D. Trait


16. Why is it necessary for teachers to participate in decision-making in their schools? It is assumed that they will ………………..

A. develop critical thinking ability during the decision-making process.

B. show commitment during the implementation of the decision.

C. show commitment to school policies.

D. show commitment to their teaching career.


17. Why is leadership not considered a divine right which only special persons are born              with? Leadership ………………..

A. can be taught and developed in persons with or above average intelligence and emotional stability.

B. can be taught and learned based on where one is coming from.

C. is all about one’s physical structure, emotions and maturity.

D. is all about situations, emotions and maturity.


18. Why are some decisions classified as being creative? Such decisions involve insight, imagination, vision and ……………………..

A. career choice.

B. diagnoses.

C. initiation.

D. willingness to perform.



19. Why do educational administrators often settle for a satisfactory decision (satisfice) rather than try to make the ideal decision? Administrators ……………….

A. do not have the capacity to diagnose issues.

B. do not have the knowledge, ability or capacity to maximize the decision-making process.

C. do not possess the knowledge to engage in critical thinking.

D. have not been given the authority to do so.


20. Which of the following is likely to occur under closed climate in a school? The ………….

A. head’s behaviour portrays him as laissez-faire leader.

B. head behaves as an autocratic leader and everything centres around him.

C. head behaves as a benevolent dictator.

D. head behaves as a democratic leader and shares his ideas.





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